Access an employee’s evaluation form through your Timeline in Cultivate U.
Click GO next to the Complete Support Evaluation and Hold Discussion Task to open the form.
The form is separated into tabbed sections and an action bar, which includes options to Save, Submit, Print (or create a PDF) and access any Notes you added throughout the year.
Performance Evaluation Competencies
The Competencies section includes all the competencies that support professionals are to be evaluated on. The instructions include information on the rating scale options & when each should be used.
Click on the Expand All button, or the arrow next to a specific competency to view the performance indicators and comments box for each competency.
You should define and discuss how the performance indicators relate to employee’s job so they understand the standards that must be met in order to meet or exceed expectations. Achievement of competencies is verified through observation of employee activities and observation of and interaction with the employee over a period of time (cumulative).
Supervisors will need to select a rating for each competency as well as provide objective examples in the Comments box to support each rating.
This section includes the overall comments from the supervisor as well as the overall performance rating. The instructions include information about when each of the ratings should be used as well as a link to the Performance Improvement Plan, if needed. (Note: If a Performance Improvement Plan is needed, please attach the signed plan to the evaluation using the Attachments section.)
Enter your Overall Comments as well as the Overall Rating based on the instructions provided.
Once all of the sections are completed, you are ready to hold the evaluation discussion with the employee to review the information. If you would like your employee to review the form and information before your meeting, click the Print Preview button to either Print or Export to PDF and send to the employee. Otherwise, you can bring up the form on a computer or print a copy to bring along to the meeting.
Although the employee’s development plan activities are no longer a part of the annual evaluation form, please take time during the evaluation discussion to review the current year’s plan and start the discussion about next year’s plan. Each employee should then enter their development activities for the upcoming year and submit the plan for approval by June.
Please remind your direct reports that they should go in to their Development Plan prior to the end of the evaluation cycle and update the completion status for each of their tasks. *NOTE: Completion can only be marked at the task level, therefore, it is important that there be at least one task added for the goal period and not only overall objectives.
Once the evaluation is finalized and you are ready to send to the employee for their signature, click the Submit button in the menu bar. If you have forgotten to fill in any required fields, the system will prompt you at this time before allowing you to submit. *NOTE: The supervisor signature is not required at this time as it is added after the employee signs the form and adds any comments.
- Once the employee has submitted the evaluation form with their signature, you will see the Sign and Submit Evaluation task in your Timeline.
- The evaluation will now be read-only, including any added employee comments. Click on the Signatures tab then click the Sign button to fill in your electronic signature and date. You will also need to fill in the date that you held the evaluation discussion.
- Finally, click the Submit button to complete the evaluation process.